My name is Israel Edelson.

I grew up studying classical music and the art of conducting. This led me on an unforgettable journey, from St Petersburg to Israel to the capitals of Europe to New York City, where I was privileged to be an assistant conductor under my mentor, Maestro Leonard Bernstein.

Life’s journey works in mysterious ways. Just as I was beginning to realize my lifelong pursuit a chance encounter with a hassidic melody made me revisit all I knew about music, about life. It felt like I’d arrived; not at an answer but at the profoundest of questions.

Since then, I have spent my life trying to harmonize my background in classical music with my passion for niggun, hassidic song. I have written countless arrangements for traditional hassidic melodies, and have composed some melodies of my own.

There is no blueprint for this journey, just a feeling, my music, and a question that beckons from the deep.

There is no blueprint for this journey, just a feeling, my music, and a question that beckons from the deep.